Bernhardt & Myers Ltd.

Delite, Junior Delite & Rol Delite Lighters

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British Utility Patent - 1945

Frank Ziegler & Karl Bernhardt, 1945/1948

Delite & Junior Delite Lighters

blue/silver colorways

Bernhardt & Meyer Delite

blue/silver colorway

Bernhardt & Meyer Junior Delite

blue/silver and gold/black colorways

British Utility Patent - 1946

Charles Bernhardt, 1946/1948

Rol Delight Lighters

silver and red colorways

Rol Delight Lighters

silver and red colorways

Rol Delight Lighters

silver and red colorways

Bernhardt & Meyer Delite Lighters

Delite, Junior Delite & RolDelite models

Bernhardt & Meyer Delite Lighters

Delite, Junior Delite & RolDelite models

Bernhardt & Meyer Delite Lighters

Delite, Junior Delite & RolDelite models

Bernhardt & Meyer Delite Lighters

Delite, Junior Delite & RolDelite models

Delite & Junior Delite Lighters

yellow/black colorways

Bernhardt & Meyer Delite

black/silver and orange/black colorways

Bernhardt & Meyer Delite

orange/black colorway

Bernhardt & Meyer Delite

manufacturer instruction sheet