Quercia Flamidor

Tambour table lighters

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These undocumented Flamidor table models were likely produced in the late 1920s and early 1930s, during the same era as Éclair table lighters. Though they are unbranded, some examples are marked with the Flamidor tax registration number (75-17). Resembling a pair of drum sticks, the sparking mechanism uses a distinctive double thumbwheel design utilized by Ouragan and several other Flamidor pocket models. (EB)

Flamidor Tambour

assorted sizes & finishes

Flamidor Tambour

assorted sizes & finishes

Flamidor Tambour

with painted finish

Flamidor Tambour

with painted finish

Flamidor Tambour

with painted finish

Flamidor Tambour

with painted finish

Flamidor Tambour

with leather covering

Flamidor Tambour

with leather covering

Flamidor Tambour

with leather covering

Flamidor Tambour

with leather covering

Flamidor Tambour

bottom view

Flamidor Tambour

with Éclair Tambour

Flamidor Tambour

compared with Ouragan

Flamidor Tambour

tax registration number & BL tax hallmark