Ludwig Heymann

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

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Patented in 1923, this rare German rotary-type lighter was offered with larger and small fuel tanks. In addition to the tank size, there are a variety of subtle variations found among different productions models. (JD & EB)

German Utility Patent - 1923

Ludwig Heinrich, 1923

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

large & small tank sizes compared

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

small tank version with original box

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

small tank version, fuel tank open

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

small tank version, top view

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

small tank version, bottom view

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

small tank variations compared

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

small tank variations compared

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

small tank variations compared

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

small tank variations compared

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

tank removed

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

1921 trademark registration & business registry entry

EWEOL Weltfeuerzeug

distributor catalog advertising